Welcome to the new year! Went overture to Belleview to begin gala taping era, strange dog hanging around back door, perhaps a fan. Badass new 10 buck amp and yodeling speakers prove fuzz is cheap. Bodacious runthru of Overthaing on (gasp) new reel of tape. Preparing to send in tape to magazine in case they think they've heard everything. thinking Marshall. Blasting Yes songs just because.
Holy MormanTabernacle Batman, choir-mania is striking! You take the sopranos, I'llzap the baritones with my new ray gun
The Overture sessions roll on, with new Marshall sounding ooh la la in person but suspiciously tinny on tape, what do I got to do, play thru a toaster? Choir sunding choirlike, tuner cming in handy, its funny how the guitars are always out of tune now that I have one, they never were before . Honest. Mikie shining. Cuban dinner served that Ricky Ricardo wouldve been proud of. Horn/oboe selection sounds good on master. Gary straightening up music room, somebody has to do it. 2 more months and the Overture will be Over. Sure.
A day to live in infamy as the US attacks Iraq and Gary only has 1 beer at practice. Overture is shaping up as Gare wisely backs off the Marshall fuzzz, redoes acoustic 8 times (giving rise to rumors that he plays with himself in closets). Les cranky in a generic sense. Mikie imitating an untamed force of nature. Ernie drooling in my pockets. In other words, nothing much new in Belleview. Boffo runtrhu of gramps Nathan tune, complete with barbershop chorale ahs, GAry demanding a remix however. NO scud missles on the way home, but I WAS using my scudbuster. Will we ever get to The Gathering?
Day 8 of the War, Day 2000 of trying to finish the WarmedOverture. The Gathering goes down in electronic goo, but who says white boys cant sing folkie. Bold new Marshall 3 mike attack thickens guitar sound on Shadows, Gare doubles vocals with Patriot-like precision. Final mix of lullabye, turning up yodelers. No Mikie or Budweiser interference, Les and Shasta cranky about Garys Tiller campaign promise, which he has 'no memory' of. Kentucky song all dressed up but nowhere to record. Stay tuned.
Belleview as endless Overture sessions go on, endlessly. Les and Shasta cranky about tiller. Gary carries in groceries, steps in dogshit (its the little memories that mean the most). Another electric on Overture, Les adds strings on Lorien segment, rewanks Gathering. Adds kbs to Shadows, wa wa over for solo. Picked up Ross 4 track, it better work. First night for Hawaiian Punch cocktails. May not finish the opera before I retire at this rate.
The Jack is on the workbench, pack up the kids and run for your life. Les new murky mixes of Overture/Shadows. Shast cranky about tiller. Les cant sing falsetto, so Gary does all vocals and guitar on Rangers. Nazgul dont rehearse, so right into rhythm and vocals tracks for Amon. Rap comes out wraith like, can the gobble boggles be far. Gary grumbling about first lyric contest loss to a song that includes Theodore Roosevelt, sore loser. Mikie almost tips over mixer, raising Les blood pressure to Mt Doomlike temps.
Over to Teryes to pick up tape, could Galadriel be Norwegian? Could she yodel?
Theres a tiller in the garage, but Shasta still cranky in principle. Les late late late so Gare takes over, restrings Gibson, removing strings the Smithsonian would be interested in. New Marshallette practice amp oh so ya ya but Les yawns since it only weighs 12 oz, citing his 11 lb air compressor on order as a better deal with more knobs. New logs with holes at top (no news is too small to appear in the Chronicles), Mikie passes out Valentines, Shasta unbelievably sleepy on couch at 7 PM, Ernie in the doghouse. Oh yeah, music. Les bold new Rangers mix, his versions of last weeks Overture and Shadows sound better. Nothing new on Amon Drool. Haggard guitar laid down with oh so ho so chorus effect verbed in (Nodrul dont use pedals). Gary early departure to mollify those waiting. Jeez.
Les screws up schedule, no prace, Gary cranky. Lunch with Senders, Amon mix sounds like 'I am the Nagul', goo goo ga joob. Mr Marks now open 10 minutes a week, looks like the electronic graveyard. Field of Grey with Palace interlude down, full mix of Best Laid on Ross (at home)now that the mystery buttons are figured out. Delivered mini-marshall rendition of I Dont Want No Sympathy.
Bend me Condense me anyway you want me, long as my sibilants are kept out of sight. Guess what arrived today. Les passes out new badass versons of Amon and Haggard Thing, Gary starts history of equipment list. Big trade arranged mixer/kb stand/3 month old boy for equalizer. No, I wont trade for Ernie (the dog). Iraq war ends (the first one), even Dan Rather took prisoners. Shasta no longer cranky due to tilling action. Acoustic vocals for Race Gary back in closet. Oh god we're out of tape, now what.
Nobody cranky, something must be wrong, Les unfairly teasing Gary about 'dooo' at the end of Race to be Run, Holiday Inn material. Noise Gate arrives, Les rearranges tudio with kb stand, Gary cant afford tape, possible Mark Mike or is it Mike Mark buyout, redid solo to Shadows of the Past, Les puts vocals on Race, remix of that and Amon. Shasta thinks Haggard King is ode to pookie, talking about doggie version of opera, with poozdruls. The ring has fled, now what.
Cats down my guitars like scud missles ohgod. Trying to get Mark Mmike but no. Still no tape. Gary crnaky. But thats OK, Shasta cranky too about mikie beating some kid up, Les cranky for no apparent reason. A good night anyway, no signal from beltloop marshall. Finally got Mr Chrod to help me with a new tune, the Founding shaping up nicely, after ahead into the epic gloom at opera tunes to come. Gary forgets descending chords on Taking Wing, DM DM DM. Life goes on, slowly.
The Mark Mike redeems itself once the offending converter is trashed, Gary puts it on trading block. Nobody cranky.Except Les about his work. New tape hung as the ring heads south on I75 for Chattanooga, with a side excursion to Ruby Falls. Guitar and vocal tracks for Refuge Strong, then back to Race to get out the offending what I must dooooo. Les talking new drum pads. Gary feeding frenzy on chords, finishes Founding (for a different opera). Now what, indeed. Alas. Alackaday. Verily and forsooth. Lunch Friday? Honey I compressed the kids.
Johnny bugging me about cave gig, what rock did these guys crawl out from under?
Through heavy rain we go to belleviewee. Les no progress on last tune but undaunted Moria chords go down with dwarvish glee, gimlet on lead, groin on harmonies. Sensing an opportunity, Les steps up 3 year hounding of Gare for new speaker, pushing him to the verge of relenting, allright I give! I cant take it anymoreeeeeeeeeeeeee! The merits of the cave gig are debated oh so eloquently - excerpt - whatta ya think .. hoods of cars man ... yeahbut the squirrels will dig it.. well maybe therell be beer .. our lake gig record aint so good man .. well our long hollow tour was a great success after we broke into the hall man .. alas.. alackady .. verily .. fuck ... A brief footnote from Pam, I AINT CAMPING WITH JOHNNYS FRIENDS. thankyou for that clarification. But it looks like we'll go, for it is the curse of the senders that they forget. hope i dont get pine needles in my amp or more importantly, my shorts. Hope the Yes file dont get lost. Maybe it will rain.
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