New year explodes to a start with The Dream and quick trip to Belle pay per View. Another final mixdown of Subway, followed by greates thits fest. Drummer ad placed, plus call from Johnny. Now what.
New drummer Markie shows up at Barnski smellng better than he plays, drops his nut under the barn, hope he has medical insurance. Not bad runthru of stuff although the dude thinks Religion is complicated. We shall see.
Holy Drumstick batman, the drummer waiting list is growing. Markie gets a second try tonight, but Dennis et al in the wings. New Peavey Les rig tonight. Gala barnski jam. Mark again shows but fails to bring beer, ending his streak at one week. Now I got two guys bumming beer. Les new Peavey stuff not bad atall. Random runthru of greatest hits. Gary breaks A and G string in 1 night, a new record. Visited potential drummer Dennis at Pondo. But will he buy drums? Stay tuned (as if you had other Chronicles to turn to).
Hell no he didnt buy drums. Les bought a new jag however to make up for it, every barn band needs one to show up in at the Quik Sak. Markies appears in as he makes 3rd straight appearance. A bit cool as Gare debuts Rob Petrie like enertainment centre, does not trip over it however. Little marshall cooking. Gala runtrhu of party faves, serious talk of St Patties/Equinox partee agin. Bring your own monolith this time
Skipped a week for Hut tub heaven in Gatlinburg but Mr Mark shows up anyway. Back in barnski this warm winters eve as St Patty 2 flyers are out. Great version of Aint that America, everything else passable. Les says new guitar purchased. Wheres my cherry SG he must owe me?
Blasting the Kero cannon all night long, Les cheerful with new ripper bass, Washington trip pending. Party faves till 8, then rarities ruled the night. Excellent Nowhere Man, Isnt Life Strange. Finished up strong with Truth/Evil from the fuckin opera. A little cool but are we not the Senders? Party flyers oot.
Much warmer as St Patty tuneups resume. Markie tables GLM as new name, GLUMS more fitting. Les's's's fine metallic Peavey tone flosses Garys teeth. PA sound gets screwed up and never quite recovers, not unlike my check book. Setlist showing some new old tunes for a change Wurm dot dot is wall of sound with midi pedals. We colda been yes, but we lived in Chicago.
St Patty prep tuneup as snow/cold warnings are ignored, this is crackerland. Bubbly on board, Annie song pile shaping up. Les not too cranky, plaing Rik for a change but some speaker cab was grumbling. Finally got markie up to speed on R&R but les cranky on intro. No problemo. Let is snow let it snow let it snow etc
I didnt mean that LITERALLY, oh NO blizzard 93 is approaching. Prestone in the punch?
Snow on the dance flo. Horizontal snow, 20 below. Party? We thinketh noteth. Oh shoot
Mysterious visitor from Baton Rouge arrives as Garwa and Markie dip into serious champagne before the cranky pair finally arrive. It wasnt my fault, I could never hold my bubbly, as countless women know. Gary somewhat contorted as a strange brew of half warbled songs erupts. More bubbly is consumed. A few Yes moments not too bad, depending on who you ask. Pictures distributed. Markie gets van stuck in the mude and I have to drive him home (to moms of course)
A tale of two drummers as Johnwas cleans out his locker and heads for double A drummng in Toledo, the mark pays his 1 week parking fee and drives the van away.
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