Les brings out the Jag as Charlie Watts makes brief appearance, quickie runthu of nothing in particular, harmonies on Dr My Eyes not too bad. But at least it was a practice
Charlie returns in better form for barn session. Hallo Party ndate set at Oct 23, hotter than hell out there. Nothing particularly noteworthy to report, which usually doesnt stop this correspondent.
Annton Rouge Part 3, delivers flag, falls aslepp late but who can blame her. Les new Ensonique keyboard, Snowvoices aint bad but consider whos writing this. Ersatz runthru of Boys of Summer, King of Pain. Big thuderstorms and lightning. Dreamboat doesnt drink her bubbly, buts OK, the possum under the drumstand likes it.
Charlie and his bass player out to barn, hot hot hot, big john moved out finally to back garage, Garys vegas singing review out in H&SR magazine, SG JR 20 year anniversary. Nobody cares. Les on new keys, passable versions of Thank You and Numb. 4 Horsemen OK, sweat sweat sweat.
Two guys sweating on stools, Charlie uses sick day, uh oh, the Sender benefit package is too lucrative. Les out to barn with new wunderkey TS10, gala runtrhu of opera and other faves, Lorien is epic, Candle in Wind was spastic (but this is our hobby). ended on Thank You, which most people say when we end. End of era - the Gare turns Forty, but like all late bloomers, he hasnt even peaked yet
Charlie better late than never as Gary disposes of onstage dead rat (no hes not in the band). Les on black Peavey, amps and PA wheezing more than ever, maybe theyre 40 too. Strange tune runtrhu, Charlie thinks we wrote Religion, apparently doesnt get out much. Good job on Nothin Yet, Les in fine harmony accapella Nowhere Man, If I Fell, and Ruby. Improv runtrhu of Pretty Woman. New tee shirt from Baton. Its hot mon.
Hottest night in recorded history (well, this RH), Charile and Les out melting along with me. Half of barn beer signs chewed up by granky groundchuck, may have to leave the power on and have him for dinner (this is Tennessee after all). Gala runtrhu ending on Overkill - working on If I Fell harmonies. Good runtrhu of So Tired, accapella Penny Lame, Ship of Fools. Poured out about 9.
First night new PA, beer signs back. Charlie shows agin. Hallo date vacillating, les bring cooler with own beer fer a change. Good Tubes rendition is all I remember.
Perseids on tap. Music reorged, good Yes file waded thru, not a bad summertime blues. Party looks like 30th. Nowwhere Man accapella intro, Help wasnt too bad. Gary tries les fender, doesnt like it much. Just another practice, in just another fab strobelit barn studio.
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